MeterForm wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwx wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Form1* Picture1 Label1 Magazine Courier Label2 Disk Space Meter TheTimer TheDrive UpdateLeft Updates every Interval UpdateRight seconds TheDrive_Change Update_Caption Caption& UpCase Drive9 TheDrivem Form_Click @ Form_Load TheTimer_Timer Update_Display WindowStater FillColor FillStyle Solid BLACK Regs' Registersi Fraction Angle WHITE# Form_Paint Form_Resize CurrentXa CurrentY AppName_Click Index Credit_ClickX DriveNum MsDos: SegOf TheForm raction Clusters Fractionon FreeClusters ction OfsOf{ DevParms Legend TheTimer Intervala Form_LinkOpend Cancel Form_LostFocus Form_MouseUp Button Shift Autorefresh Autoredraw VScroll1_Changey Interval_Change Interval_KeyPress KeyAscii Length eyAscii Interval_GotFocus Oldval Interval_LostFocus Reset_Timer Reset_TimerEnd' ElseTheTimer/ Elsif NewInterval Label1_Click Image TheDrive_LostFocus TheDrive_DragDrop Source TheDrive_DragOver State TheDrive_GotFocus TheDrive_KeyDown KeyCode TheDrive_KeyPressH Drive1_Change Text1_Change Text1 E_Click Picture1_Click MeterForm ForeColor Picture1 DrawStyle Windows Magazine Disk Space Meter by the editors of Windows Magazinea TheDrive_Change Update_Caption UpCase Form_Load TheTimer_Timer Update_Display Insurance against GP faults Use Regs.DX=0 to flag error Avoid division by zero The more free space, the larger Angle gets Draw from Angle to Pio Free" Error" #,###,###,###,###" Bytes Form_Paint Interval_KeyPress Interval_LostFocus Reset_Timer